Monday, October 27, 2014

If you work with horses, do you know how you are covered?

Could you pay out of pocket $50,000 for a horse that was injured or died in your care? How about the legal fees that come with it?

Do you board horses? Give lessons? Offer a training program? Offer breeding or foaling? If you offer any of these services to someone you need Care, Custody and Control insurance. Care, Custody and Control essentially covers you in the event the third party (boarder, training horse etc.) becomes injured, stolen or dies while in your care. The insurance would pay the amount the horse is valued at to the third party on behalf of you. Could you afford to pay a third party $10,000 to $100,000 for their horse if it should die while in your care? The insurance typically pays for damages to horses and defense costs for suits brought against you. Premiums are usually based upon the average number of horses in your care. Care, Custody and Control also covers you if a horse is injured during incidental transit (hauling) of horses. “Incidental transit” is usually defined as 6 trips of 150 miles or less per year. The mileage restriction can usually be eliminated for an additional premium. Care, Custody and Control is highly recommended for Trainers as there are multiple ways a horse can get injured during the course of a  training program and while showing. In the event of a loss or tragedy you shouldn't be worrying about how you're going to pay out of pocket for everything, get Care, Custody and Control insurance and get back to doing what you do best, offering a great service to happy equines.

Talk with Bonnie about your Equine Operations! 740-966-3180

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