School’s Back in Session: Back to School Tips
It is that time of year again! Uniforms are laid out, lunches are packed, and school buses are on the road everywhere. As the school year begins, you may think, you have everything in order, but here are a few things to consider adding to your Back-to-school list of things to do for children at every age:

Tiny Tots (Infants-toddler aged children)
Most day care facilities require every child to turn in a medical review form, ensuring that little Timmy has had the proper shots and vaccines before the school year begins. Most of these forms require parents to make a trip to the doctor’s office, so be sure to include this on your list of things to do, prior to the beginning of the school year. Also, check with your local government about free back to school immunization clinics that are usually offered in August and September.Little Lads and Ladies (preschoolers)
Children are our most precious and valuable assets. Just as parents know, day care centers and pre-schools know this and should have policies in line to cover little Timmy, should he hurt himself under their negligence. Most facilities provide day care insurance liability information within the packet you are given when you register your child. Be sure to dig through those mounds of paper and read over that information to understand how to protect little Timmy when he does his monkey-bar stunts at preschool.This is also the time to talk to your Trusted Choice ® Independent Insurance agent about term life insurance policies for college planning for Timmy’s future if you plan to take out loans. “In the event that something should happen to your child before the loan is paid off, proceeds from a life insurance policy can be used to pay the balance of the loan,” said Kathy Cunningham, assistant vice president, Life Marketing at Grange Insurance. Premiums are usually lower when children are young, as they are usually in good health at this age.
Kool Kids (school age and preteens)
As a regular soccer-mom/dad, you have given your share of rides to Little Timmy’s teammates, but use caution! Transporting other peoples’ little ones to events can be tricky. From a legal standpoint, always be sure to have contacted the other child’s parents and get their permission to have their children in your possession. As far as insurance goes, most policies would cover bodily harm to passengers in your vehicle in the event of an accident; however, it is EXTREMELY important to understand YOUR personal auto policy coverage, in order to ensure safety for every person that rides in your vehicle, big and small.Teenage Dreamers (teenagers)
For some reason, your state believes that Little Timmy should be allowed to operate a vehicle and breathe at the same time. Before you pass out from pure shock, call your Trusted Choice ® Independent Insurance agent to talk about auto policy additions and coverage. Remind Timmy to study hard also- some insurance agencies offer a discount on the premium as a reward for young drivers with good grades.Be sure that you and Timmy both remember to be a bit more cautious while driving in the neighborhood this time of year. With school in session, there is a change in traffic, which means more buses and children crossing the street in the morning and afternoon. And not that you need the reminder, but tell Timmy NO TEXTING WHILE DRIVING!
Growing Graduate (college-age children)
He no longer wants to be called Timmy, just Tim, and you’re in dire straits- from him leaving and the tuition bill you just paid! Eliminate extra stress by calling your Trusted Choice ® Independent Insurance agent to go over you homeowner’s insurance policy to make sure Tim is covered while away on campus. Most policies cover Tim as he is considered a resident of your home, but ask questions and be specific in what is covered- laptops, personal belongings etc… This is also a good time to talk about the auto policy, and update all of your information. Also look into Renter’s insurance, in the event that Tim gets an off-campus apartment or goes away for a long summer vacation.Beyond warning him to wash his clothes more than twice a year, and to avoid eating pizza EVERYDAY, talk to him about being careful with his credit cards and personal information to avoid identity theft issues. After this, all you can do is cross your fingers, watch Tim drive away, and thank your Trusted Choice ® Independent Insurance agent for guiding you along the way.
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