Thursday, July 25, 2013

Deductible Changes to Homeowners Insurance....

A few months ago, we did a post about this and I just found this article in the Columbus Dispatch from a few days ago. Below is the link to the article - it is important for Homeowners to realize the changes that are happening to the insurance policies they have. A lot of times people don't pay much attention to the renewals because the mortgage company pays the bill on your behalf so this could go unnoticed for a long time and only find out when it comes time for a claim.  As an independent agent, we work with many companies and they have all made adjustments to what they offer and how they price it over the past few years. The days of $250 deductibles are gone - I don't know of any companies offering it for new customers and if you still have one, you are probably paying greatly for it - if you switch to one of the higher offers you will probably save a bundle! At MVP Agency, we don't expect you to figure this all out on your own. It is our job to advise you on what is available, how it will impact you should a claim arise, and offer timely and relevant information so that you can have the most appropriate coverage for your needs and budget.

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